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The Pentagon Ski Club is Dedicated to Skiing

The PSC offers winter sports vacations to resorts around the world for skiers and snowboarders who want the fun, companionship and convenience of group travel.  Our members have one thing in common: they like to ski! On any given trip you'll find PSC members waiting for the lifts to open in the morning and on the last lift up at the end of the day before the lifts close down.  Although our focus is primarily on skiing, we also offer non-skiing summer vacation trips to Europe and other destinations.

Our members also share another trait: they like to socialize, either on the slopes skiing together or over good food or drink.  The PSC doesn't run weekend trips or trips to local resorts.  We concentrate on vacation ski trips to destination resorts.  Our trips typically run 6-7 days.  As a group, we can bargain with travel agents to keep costs reasonable.  We normally stay in quality condo or hotel properties located near the slopes with nearby shops and restaurants.

Why the Name Pentagon?

The PSC is based in the Washington, DC area, but we have members from across the U.S.  The club was founded in 1966 in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, located in the Pentagon—hence the name Pentagon Ski Club.  Our club continues to have members that currently serve or have served in the military, plus many current or former federal civilian employees. However, the club has no official connection to the Pentagon, the military, or the U.S. government.  Many members work in private industry and have never been in the military or even inside the Pentagon.

Join Us!

The club is open to the general public.  Anyone can join!  Read the Letter from the President on the About Us page and see the Join Us page.   These will give you a good introduction to the club.

Monthly Meetings

The club holds monthly meetings, usually on the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of the month, not far from the Pentagon at Fort Myer, Virginia, in Patton Hall (the building formerly known as the Officers' Club).  You do not have to be in the military to enter Fort Myer and attend the meetings.  Upcoming meetings are listed on the Meetings page.  See Directions to Meetings page for driving directions and a map, and review the item on Entry to Ft. Myer.

Membership Has Benefits

Club members also enjoy the benefits of membership in the Blue Ridge Ski Council and the National Ski Council Federation.  Our members may participate on ski trips that have been "sanctioned" by other BRSC member clubs without having to join the other clubs.  This gives our members access to a wide range of trips to choose from.


2024-25 Ski Trips

Our remaining ski trips are all sold out, but join the wait list(s) and we'll be in touch if we have a cancellation.  Go to our Trips Page to see the status of each trip.

Non-Skiing Vacation Trips

Go to our Trips Page to explore our several biking, diving and touring vacation trips. 

As of 8/1/2024, our ski trips were open to signups from members of other Blue Ridge Ski Council (BRSC) member clubs.   Hint:  To register for a trip you must first "join" the PSC as a no-cost BRSC member and populate your membership profile.

Club Meeting

Tuesday, March 11th

Our next monthly meeting is set for Tuesday, March 11th, 7pm, at Ft. Myer.

Same Location!

We had anticipated that the meeting would move to Ft. Myer's Spates Community Club — the same venue where we've held many of our picnics — as our usual meeting location, Patton Hall, was to be closed for the beginning of a multi-year renovation.  However, we've been informed that we'll still be in Patton Hall, at least  for our March meeting.

Register to Attend!

We're asking everyone to register to attend (click the link) so we can adjust the catering.  We're also offering another opportunity to request sponsorship for a long-term (1-year) Ft. Myer visitor pass.

2024-2025 Ski Passes

Sales of both Epic and Ikon Passes began in mid-March, including Military Ikon Pass sales through Ft. Myer.  Visit our Epic & Ikon Passes page for details, including the promotional offers that may be available through our tour operators.  Note:

  • Epic Pass prices increased on 5/28/2024, 9/2/2024, 10/9/2024, and 11/17/2024.  December 2nd was the last day to buy passes.
  • Ikon Pass prices increased on 4/19/2024 and again in mid-October 2024.  December 12th was the last day to buy passes.

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