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Welcome to the Pentagon Ski Club!


2024-2025 General Membership Meetings

We hold monthly club meetings, on Tuesdays at 7 PM in Fort Myer's Patton Hall (the building formerly known as the Officers Club).  The exception is our picnic, which we normally hold at Ft. Myer's Spates Community Club.  (Our July 2024 picnic was an exception, as Spates was not available.) 

(see the note below on meeting location)

Meetings are held from September through April, but we don't have a February meeting as the weather is a risk and many of us are off on ski trips anyway!  We have no summer meetings other than our annual picnic.   

Here are our planned meetings for 2024-2025.  Most meetings are planned for the 2nd Tuesday of the month on Tuesdays at 7 PM. We'll send an email blast shortly before each meeting to confirm whether it will be held as planned:

▪    September 17, 2024 Trip Signups

▪    October 8, 2024 Oktoberfest theme

▪    November 12, 2024 Thanksgiving theme

▪    December 10, 2024 Bread for the City campaign

▪    January 14, 2025  theme tbd

▪    March 11, 2025 St Patrick’s Irish Menu & Wearing of the Green

▪    April 8, 2025 Council election, Move United campaign

▪    July 12, 2025 Picnic noon to 4pm at Spates Community Club (to be confirmed)

Our meetings provide lots of complimentary hors d'oeuvres (essentially dinner) and a cash bar.  New members are always welcome.  Just let the welcome desk know you're new!  Most meetings have a fun theme and club business is discussed, as well as (of course) upcoming ski trips.  Door prizes are offered in a 50-50 raffle drawing, with the club's half of the proceeds going right back into buying more prizes for future meetings.  Everyone can socialize, exchange photos from the latest trips, and share stories.  Trip leaders are present, so you can sign up for trips or discuss trip details.  Meeting themes have included a fashion show with the latest skiwear, ski safety, conditioning exercises, new ski equipment, costume contests, and ski trivia contests.

A Note on Meeting Location

Although our 2024-25 monthly meetings have been confirmed for Patton Hall, we expect that Patton Hall will be undergoing major construction lasting several years, beginning sometime in 2025.  Patton Hall operations will be moved to the Spates Community Club after some preparatory renovations are completed there.  It's unclear when that transition will take place.

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